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ULYS is a social network of young European pen pals from 11 to 18 years old with a platform to quickly find pen pal and interest group and instant messenger to chat, audio and video.


It is also integrated geolocation tools, rapid relief, reporting against harassment, accompanying the mobility of young people in Europe.



Clear and intuitive interfaces and features will be enhanced or added with you.


You will have your circles to which you intend your posts, your shares: friends, knowledge and public but you will be able to simply build new circles: groups, teams, projects ...


You will always know who can read your posts, shares and you can permanently delete them at any time.



Your data is yours and will never be traded.


The platform as the messaging will allow the communication and share of photo, of video in complete safety.


No fake profile or anonymous profile.


No ads.



Consultant and Trainer GREENWORKING

Juliette AVER

Youth Plaidoyer Ulys, sexilingue acting

ULYS - EURADIO | Comment trouver mon correspondant européen ?

Entretien avec Clémence Pénard | 6 juin 2022

Carolina A. 13 years old in Madrid, without a smartphone, my experience. 
An echo of the experience of the ban on smartphones for under-13s in Greystone Ireland, population 18,000.

‘Much easier to say no’: Irish town unites in smartphone ban for young children
Parents and schools across Greystones adopt voluntary ‘no-smartphone code’ in bid to curb peer pressure
Rory Carroll Ireland correspondent
@rorycarroll72 Sat 3 Jun 2023 
Stephen DONNELLY Irish Minister for Health

Jaime A. 14 years old from Madrid, My experience as a teenager at a French camp.



I have accompanied my daughter since a young age in a school course as bilingual as possible in Paris, she is now advanced English B2 European section in high school, but I have failed so far to find her a pen pal in London.


Parents, young Europeans have so far no offer matching pen pals worthy of the name, nothing really dedicated to youth, nothing secure on which families, schools can rely.


ULYS will be a secure online social network allowing young people aged 11 to 18 to find one or more correspondents, communities of interest to practice one or more foreign languages ensuring greater mobility in Europe.


Young people will find on ULYS search, secure messaging and associated identification and geolocation services to reduce the duration of rescue, fact checking and anti-harassment.


The data of young people and referring adults will be the property of these and will never be marketed.


At the heart of the search and matching system to find a correspondent, a group of interest, a subject, three techniques: boolean, matching and search engine.


To this platform of research and exchanges will be linked a secure open source instant messenger RIOT-MATRIX, for chatting and sharing audio and video.


Integrated Services:


  • identification service coupled with a biometric recognition,

  • geolocation associated with a security service to reduce the duration of rescue,

  • alert service and safety check information,

  • reporting service against harassment

  • service of fact checking articles, photos and videos,

  • language tool and language test.


ULYS will be a company with social missions registered in its statutes, its logic of engagement will be defined with the associates, the partners' committee and the users' committee.


The users will participate in the essential decisions of the life of the social network, test and develop the tools integrated into this platform.


A third party will evaluate ULYS annually and the reports will be made public.


Anne-Charlotte Monneret  CEO EDTECH FRANCE


"ULYS has a great ambition: to connect young students around the world, to make them speak together while improving their level in English, French, Spanish, German, but also creating relationships and finally getting the "social" part that is often lacking on social media!


Using technology in order to improve the learning experience, is our daily focus at EdTech France, and with this vision and motto, we support this global edtech project."


Athéna SOL  French teacher and tiktoker


I find this project wonderful, I who dreamed of finding an English pen pal when I was a teenager!

Colombe CAHEN-SALVADOR Duke Law Fellow in International Law and Human Rights, Co-Founder European Policy Lead NOW! VOLT  EUROPA


Your project looks awesome, and I find it all the better that it came from a need of your daughter.”

Stéphane BOURBIER CEO  Business Angel full time, Impact Only, pre-seed and seed Business Angel


It's a beautiful project that you carry, with a real dimension of impact.“ 

Yves LEHMANN program director SCHOOLAB


Ulys a great edtech project

Nathalie NEVEJANS Professor and Chairholder, Responsible AI Artois University, France

AI Law & Ethics Expert

I spoke with an 11-year-old girl who is entering middle school at the start of the school year, and who wanted to have an English pen pal. I told her about Ulys and she loved the concept. She would like to be offered the app for Christmas. I hadn't thought of it, but I think you'll have a lot of cases like this. You will have to think of gift packs and special offers for the holidays.

Florent MAILLET Helping Education, EdTechs & Research in their mission AWS - Amazon Web Services - EdStart


“This is an excellent project that will allow young Europeans to share and exchange their culture and their language while facilitating their mobility. In my day, it was only two class trips between middle and high school.
Ulys will provide a simple solution for communicating securely in a trusted environment. The feedback from the educational, political and entrepreneurial worlds is encouraging!”

Bruno SPORTISSE  CEO INRIA, Node Representative Board Members France EIT Digital Accelerator


“Bravo for this ambitious project.”

Frederic MAZZELLA President-Founder BlaBlaCar one of the 3 French unicorns, more than 10 billion turnover, Co-President France Digitale


Your project seems interesting to me and I would say even more, necessary

Chantal MANES-BONNISSEAU General Inspector of Modern Languages ​​MEN Ministry of Education in charge of the Languages ​​Plan by JM Blanquer and Alex TAYLOR Journalist, report "Proposals for a better mastery of foreign languages"


"The project is quite right - Chantal Manes [General Inspector General for Modern Languages ​​MEN] has found the surprising lack of networking between students from different countries, between teachers from different countries."

Nathalie MONS-DIOT President CNESCO - National Council for Evaluation of the SCOlaire System, Professor of Sociology University of Cergy-Pontoise


 "I will touch a word to the inspectors in charge of languages ​​... Transmitted to the inspector general in charge of JM Blanquer's language plan"



"Congratulations for this project whose vision broadly infuses the speech made by the President of the Republic on March 20 at the Institut de France (on the development of the French language and multilingualism). There are several actions in this plan that overlap your initiative. I sincerely wish you every success in the realization of this project."

Christian TREMBLAY President EOP - European Observatory of Plurilingualism


"We have taken with interest knowledge of your ULYS project, which aims to create an Internet platform and a social network to help connect young people, families and teachers in order to develop language exchanges between the various countries of the world. 'European Union.

It seems that no equivalent service currently exists and that there is a market that is sufficient to justify your business.

In my opinion you are in a field which is complementary to the field of education, because it is recognized that language teaching at school can not be enough in itself and that it must be accompanied by an exposure to the language as well. as frequent and multiform as possible.

This niche is not well occupied by the non-global home organizations, nor by the many web-based learning sites that can be of excellent quality, but which are focused on learning, as alternative to school, especially for everyone who has left. In addition, all families sensitive to modern languages ​​are concerned. Your field is therefore very extensive and almost free at the moment."

Gabriele GIORDANENGO Consultant and Trainer GREENWORKING, student Foreign Affairs at Sciences Po


"When I was in college I often thought of finding a pen pal to meet new friends and learn new languages. Unfortunately, for lack of a practical way to do it, I had abandoned my idea. So I'm glad to hear that maybe Ulys could help other young students who are in the same situation as me at the time.”

Pierre ARLAUD Managing Director AGYP Active Growth & Youth Programs - MEDEF, ERASMUS Expert


"Really exciting project!"

Martin MARECHAL Parliamentary Assistant Project Officer BRUSSELS PARLEMENT


"Very nice initiative!"

Maria June FERRE EFL Instructor Paris City Council


"It seems like a great project."

Anna ZWEEDE assistant director, English teacher EIB - International Bilingual School


"EIB is part of a group of schools, NACE, with institutions in Spain, England, India, USA and already or soon it seems to me in Germany. In France, besides the EiB, there is Hattemer for example. So many opportunities

Alexandra LACROIX General Delegate of WIL Europe - Women In Leadership


"First of all, congratulations on this initiative! This is a very beautiful project that echoes my career and my values. Passionate about linguistic and cultural exchanges, I myself took part in various European and international mobility programs."

Stephen BOUCHER Founder DREAMOCRACY, Visiting professor, innovation in politics IES - Institute of European Studies


"Congratulations for Ulys!"

Pietro VIMONT Director of Operations CIVICO Account Consultant Project Associates UK


"The project is indeed very interesting and much needed."

Yuliya BARANOVA Development Manager MAGORA


"This project is useful for a wide audience and its founder is a very diligent person, passionate and especially knowing how to achieve an excellent result!"


Phoebe BRUNT writer, editor, educator


"Hi François that sounds like a very interesting venture. Direct contact with native speakers of target foreign languages can be very motivating and it’s something many of us don’t have access to in school. Wishing you the best of luck with your project."

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Wednesday November 09 2022



François Amara


Dorothée Haffner

Institutional plaidoyer


Aude Mulard
UK strategic advisor


Matthieu Boutard
Security advisor



Aden Rabehi
Strategy HR advisor


Thibault Leigne


Tom Ruchier Berquet
Civic advisor


Juliette Aver

Youth plaidoyer

Marco Horanieh

Youth plaidoyer


Antoine Artiganave
Member Strategic Committee


Cristina Callejon


Johann Evanno


Nathalie Rübner
Marketing Advisor


David Wallace
Divisional CFO Germany & UK


Martijn Lamberti-Henquet

Business strategy & Finance

Felix Puhlmann


Pauline Sauvage









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